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Blog Posts and Discussions

Dr. D
4 days ago6 min read
7 phrases therapists (and friends) should avoid: "You have to talk about it"
Rapidly “talking about it” may help to cement an event in someone’s memory, along with its emotions and physical responses

Dr. D
Jan 196 min read
7 phrases therapists (and friends) should avoid: "Everything will be fine"
Just as with a poorly timed "congratulations," jumping to "everything will be fine" or "it will all work out" can backfire.

Dr. D
Jan 66 min read
7 phrases therapists (and friends) should avoid: CONGRATULATIONS!
What can happen in a psychotherapy session when the wrong words are used, and why it’s imperative to avoid it.

Dr. D
May 20, 20235 min read
Shout down the speaker - please
Banning books and shouting down speakers are both censorship. Yet people who practice either one claim the other is stifling free speech.

Dr. D
Apr 24, 20234 min read
Benefits of THC on cognitive performance in kids
The chatbot told me THC improves the ability to learn. But it's wrong. Young brains respond differently to chemicals. This fact is reviewed

Dr. D
Mar 23, 20235 min read
Information to follow may disturb you.
Stories and newscasts often warn us that something they'll say might be upsetting. But those warnings my do much more harm than good.

Dr. D
Mar 6, 20235 min read
I raise goats as a hobby
Finding time for a hobby can be hard. But a hobby doesn't have to be time consuming or expensive. It's just something you enjoy.

Dr. D
Jan 29, 20236 min read
Reduce stress and anxiety with mental imagery
Create and practice "seeing" a positive place mentally. Once you can reach that mental image easily, use it for stress relief without meds.

Dr. D
Jan 14, 20235 min read
How to make time for you a minute at a time.
Stress and anxiety occur to us all. In this post I discuss how to steal 'me-time moments that will help you relax and feel calmer.
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